(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Friday 12/03/2021: Flash in a Pan

11th March 2021

Tonight we see the return of Friday Night Lights.  Members who are registered for the Open and keen for the competitive atmosphere can sign in for sessions to be judged in 21.1.  Tribe Cafe will be open, so come down, soak up the community and enjoy a beer while watching your mates workout.  Everyone will do the workout on Monday as it is our programmed WOD.  Monday classes also give you a second chance if you are signed up for the open also!  The only opportunity you will have to be judged and have your workout validated by CFTSV is on Friday night or during a class on Monday. Please keep this in mind when planning your competitive open strategies!



Strict press:
5 x 5 reps
* Lift every 3 mins and build to a heavy 5 rep


3 rounds for time:
75 Double unders
50 Air squats
25 Jumping pull-ups
* 12 min cap


Run and gun day:
On a running clock and with a partner -
At 0 -
Run 3 x 400m each
At 14 mins -
3 x 15 DB curl and press (work 1:1)
At 18 mins -
Run 3 x 200m each
At 25 mins -
50 Synchro DB OH tricep extensions
At 30 mins -
Run 3 x 100m each
At 34 mins -
3 x 40m Gun carry each 

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