(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Looking Forward..

16th April 2020

📣📣The Long Haul 📣📣

Thanks for being patient while we work out what CFTSV looks like in long term lockdown.  We are under no illusion that the current situation is what we are facing for the long haul.  This has inspired us to continue to fight and present value to you, our wonderful community and hence we have been busy in the background redeveloping our membership options to fit with this unique phase of life.

Members who have continued a full membership payment have enjoyed our equipment library, which includes a rotation of cardio equipment and up to 3 pieces of other gear, online classes and our closed Facebook Community.

We understand however, that this isn't financially viable to everyone; so we have come up with some long term alternative options to keep everyone moving and connected.

 Option 1: The Full Send
🏆$45 per week
🏆Library access - Cardio Machines plus 3 items (7 day borrow, week on/week off cardio)
🏆Zoom classes 2 x daily plus Saturday plus Yoga
🏆Access to the FB CFTSV Lockdown page
🏆Couples and student discount applies

 Option 2: Paced
🥈$30 per week
🥈Library access - 3 items 7 day borrow (excluding cardio machines)
🥈Zoom classes 2 x daily plus Saturday plus Yoga
🥈Access to the FB CFTSV Lockdown page
🥈Couples and student discount applies

 Option 3: Scaled
🥉$15 per week (on a direct debit agreement)
🥉Zoom classes 2 x daily plus Saturday plus Yoga
🥉Access to the FB CFTSV Lockdown page

👉Coming soon - casual online classes $8 per session through Mindbody Online. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Please email [email protected] if you wish to discuss any of these options. Big love to the entire CFTSV Community.

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