(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Monday: Ab sprints..

5th April 2020

We are moving into Week 3 of 'lockdown' and I hope everyone is coping well and still getting an opportunity to do the CFTSV WOD.  We have built an incredible community over the years and it continues to grow and if anything has only gotten stronger in the last couple of weeks.  This crisis has only made us more determined to make sure we meet your health and fitness needs and in the next week we will be bringing out some additional services to adapt to the current situation we have right now.

We have had to be flexible and adapt to the restrictions to make sure we follow the rules and everyone stays well. Part of this is evolving our memberships to allow for weekly equipment borrowing and participation in our WOD via Zoom.  This Zoom class is 100% coached and is not quite exactly like being in the gym but is still a fantastic experience and opportunity for you to remain accountable, get eyes run over you to ensure you are doing movements correctly, stay connected to your gym pals and make sure you get your daily dose of exercise!  

Our Saturday WOD is available for anyone - not just financial members to jump into via Zoom.  All you need to do is download Zoom and then just head to our CrossFit Townsville Facebook page or to the Saturday workout page on the website to get the link to join us.  It was so great to see some familiar faces 'drop in' to last Saturday's class and we hope you continue to do so - we miss you all and it is great to see everyone once a week!


On a continuously running clock:

At 0:00 - 

Every 90 seconds for 6 sets:

Run 200m
8 V-ups

At 12:00 - 

Every 90 seconds for 6 sets:

Run 200m
10 Sit-ups

At 24:00 - 

Run 200m
12 Hollow rocks

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