(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Monday: Helen Intervals

4th August 2019

Thank you to everyone that turned out Saturday for our B-Brown photo.  I know Baydo was overwhelmed with the support and feels very special knowing we all have his back! 

Baydo will be back in Townsville Wednesday and will be back taking class Thursday so we can't wait to see him then.


On 0:00 - 

Run 800m
42 KB swings 24 / 16 kg
24 Pull-ups

On 12:00 - 

Run 400m
21 KB swings 24 / 16 kg
12 Pull-ups

On 20:00 - 

Run 200m
12 KB swings 24 / 16 kg
6 Pull-ups


At 28 mins - 

3 rounds of:

30 Single leg v-ups
20 Hollow rocks
10 Pike sit-ups

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