(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Monday: 'Helen'

23rd November 2019

Test Week..

The year has just over a month to go and there will be lots of people heading away for holidays so before that happens we are going to sneak in some testing this week to benchmark our progress.  So look out for those this week on Monday (Helen), Wednesday (CrossFit Total) and Friday (Fran).

Don't forget this weekend is Class Wars too!!  Kick off will be 6am so come in your team colours ready to roll.



3 rounds for time of:

Run 400m
21 KB swings 24 / 16 kg
12 Pull-ups


Every 3 mins for 3 sets:

5 Ab wheel rollouts
10 Hollow rocks
20 Ab mat sit-ups
30 sec plank

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