(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Monday: The Pillar..

31st October 2020



On a running clock -

Every 3 mins x 8 sets


Every 4 mins x 6 sets:

Run 400m


At 28 mins - 

AMRAP in 6 mins:

5 Strict T2B
10 Wipers
15 Plank walk ups


In partners - 

Every 4 mins x 4 sets:
P1: 15 Slamballs
P2: 15 Plate GTO
* do opposite movement
2x 10m Synchro Bear Crawl
*One partner pushes the ball the other the plate then swap on the way back

At 16 min mark -
50 Flurpees combined
*One partner must always hold the plate and slamball off the ground

At 22 min mark -
Working 1:1
3 Rounds of - 
AMRAP 2 mins:
2 Bear Crawl Shuttles
15 Plate Squats
15 Slamballs Presses
Max Flutter Kicks

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