(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Saturday 13/03/2021: Slamraps

12th March 2021



On a running clock and with a partner:

AMRAP in 15 mins of:
Run 2 x 400m each
30 Cleans 40-70kg 
30 Front squats 40-70kg 
30 Lateral synchro burpee over bar
Max row calories in remainder

rest 4 mins

AMRAP in 15 mins of:
Run 2 x 400m each
30 Snatches 40-70kg
30 Overhead squats 40-70kg 
30 Lateral synchro burpee over the bar
Max row calories in remainder


With a partner:
3 rounds of -
AMRAP in 12 mins
Bike erg 4k / 3k 
50 Alternating box jumps or step ups
Sled push remainder of 12 min clock
* Start next round straight away

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