(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Thursday 15/4/21 - Grounded..

14th April 2021

Bring long socks today for rope climbs : )



Every 2 mins for 5 sets:

1-2 Rope climbs


AMRAP in 12 mins:

3 Wall walks
6 DB thrusters
9 Knees to elbows


On a running clock - 

Every 2 mins for 10 rounds -
AMRAP in 90 seconds:
Bike erg 500m / 400m
Max Burpees in remainder
* 30 seconds rest after each round

At 25 mins -
3 sets of:
30 Glute bridges
20 Tuck ups
10 Leg drops
* 30 second plank for rest

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