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Crossfit WOD

Thursday: Fit - Nest Returns..

14th October 2020


* A repeat from July.  Enjoy!!

On a continuously running clock - 

At 0:00
AMRAP in 7 mins:
Echo bike calories
* Every minute including first minute do 5 KB swings

At 10:00
AMRAP in 7 mins:
Row calories
* Every minute including first minute do 5 T2B or Knee tucks

At 20:00
AMRAP in 7 mins:
Ski erg calories
* Every minute including the first minute do 5 STO

At 30:00
In teams of 2 and alternating movements -
AMRAP in 7 mins:
10 KB swings
10 T2B
10 STO


In teams of 3 - 

At 0 mins -
6 sets of:
Run 100m
10 Frog xplodes
* Next person leaves when person in front gets in from the run

At 14 mins -
3 sets of:
Run 200m
20 Ab mat sit-ups
* Next person leaves when person in front gets in from the run

At 28 mins -
2 sets of:
Run 300m
30 Striders
* Next person leaves when person in front gets in from the run

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