(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Tuesday 20/7/21 - The Echo Calls

19th July 2021



Push jerk 7 x 2 reps

* Lift every 2 mins and build to a heavy 2 rep


AMRAP in 10 mins of:

10 Box jumps 
15 Push jerks 
20 second Echo bike sprint
* Score is total number of Echo bike calories


On a running clock and with a partner - 

AMRAP in 20 mins:
(Alternating full rounds)
4 DB Renegade rows
8 DB Static lunges / leg
12 DB curl and press
* Partner accumulates Row calories while DB work is being completed

At 24 minutes
5 sets of:
7 Kneeling DB Pallof press
14 DB OH tricep ext
30 second Hollow hold
* Perform synchro with partner and rest 1 minute after each set

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