(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Tuesday 4/5/21 - Echo Spin..

3rd May 2021



Every 90 seconds for 10 sets:

1 Split jerk

* Build to a heavy single


With a partner 1:1 - 

5 rounds each of:
10 / 7 Echo bike calories
7 Burpees
10 / 7 Echo bike calories
* 15 min cap


On a running clock and with a partner 1:1 - 

At 0
Row 3 x 300m (or 225m) each
DB Push press 3 x 15 reps each
Sprinter crunch 3 x 20 reps each
* While one partner does Push press the other does sprinter crunch then swap.

At 12 mins
Row 4 x 200m (or 150m) each
DB Front squat 3 x 15 reps each
Mountain climber 3 x 40 reps each

At 24 mins
Row 6 x 100m (or 75m) each
DB Renegade row 3 x 10 reps each (1 row per arm + 1 push-up)
Leg drops 3 x 20 each

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