(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Tuesday: Bouncing around..

7th December 2020



Press 5 x 5 reps

* Lift every 3 mins and build to a heavy 5 rep


AMRAP in 12 mins:

30 Double unders
10 KB swings 32 / 24 kg
10 Single arm DB push press / arm
10 / 7 Bike erg cals


Partitioned anyhow and with a partner - 

125 / 100 Ski erg cals
100 KB Deadlifts
125 / 100 Echo Bike cals
100 KB Upright row
125 / 100 Shuttle Runs
100 Ab Mat Crunches

* 30 min cap

At 32 min mark
3 min AMRAP
Partner Synchro Bear Crawl

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