(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Wednesday: Long Lunge..

11th August 2020



Back squat 7 x 5 reps

* Lift every 2 mins and build to a heavy 5 rep


3 rounds for time of:

60 Double unders 
40 Single arm DB OH walking lunges
20 T2B

* 16 min cap


In Tabata fashion and on a continuously running clock - 

At 0:

Tabata KB swings

At 6 mins:

Tabata Row for metres

At 12 mins:

Tabata KB Thrusters

At 18 mins:

Tabata Shuttle runs

At 24 mins:

Accumulate the total reps and metres from all Tabatas in any rep scheme

* 16 min cap

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