(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Wednesday: Quarter Mile..

17th November 2020



10 rounds of:

Echo Bike quarter mile sprint
1-10 Burpee pull-ups
15 Ab mat sit-ups

* In the first round complete 1 Burpee pull-up, in the second 2 and so on..

Time cap 30 mins


In circuit style working 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off - 

3 rounds of:
Min 1: MB sit up and throws
Min 2: Jumping Pull-up / Body Row
Min 3: Assault Bike Cals
Min 4: Bear Crawl Shuttle
Min 5: Rest

At 16 min mark
2 min 1:1 Frog Flurpees

At 20 min mark
3 rounds of:
Min 1: Wallballs
Min 2: Knee Tucks
Min 3: Assault Bike Cals
Min 4: Gorilla Walk Shuttles
Min 5: Rest

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