(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Wednesday: Through the Gears..

28th July 2020



AMRAP in 20 mins of:

15 / 10 Row calories
20 Box jumps
15 / 10 Bike erg calories
20 Wall balls


Every 3 mins for 3 sets: 

10 Single leg step ups / leg
20 Box bridges


On a continuously running clock - 

AMRAP ascending ladder in 14 mins (3-6-9-12 etc):

Alternating lunge jumps
Renegade row push-ups
Sandbag GTO
Tyre flips
Shuttle runs

At 16 mins - 

Tabata Mountain climbers
* rest in top of push-up

At 22 mins - 

Start from highest number reached on the AMRAP and work back to 3 reps

* 14 min cap

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