(07) 4723 4422

Friday: 20.4 - Jake the Muss

24th April 2020

On a continuously running clock - 

3min clock: 

2 sets-

8 HSPU / hand release push ups 
8 pistols / 16 air squats 
8 T2B / 16 single leg v-ups 

At 3min mark 

3min clock: 

10 HSPU / hand release push ups 
10 pistols / 20 air squats 
10 T2B / 20 single leg v-ups 

At 6min mark 

3min clock: 

12 HSPU / hand release push ups 
12 pistols / 24 air squats 
12 T2B / 24 single leg v-ups 


-Every 3min for as long as possible continue completing 2 sets of the work. With adding 2 reps onto each movement every 3min also. When the work is not completed inside of the 3min block the workout is over. Score is the total number of reps with air squats and V-ups being scored as 2 for 1. 

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