(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Friday 23/4/21 - Triple Double Trouble..

22nd April 2021



Every 90 seconds for 10 sets:

2 Power snatches + 1 OH squat (pause at the bottom)
* Build to a challenging weight, hold at the bottom for at least 2 seconds.


For time:

75 Double unders 
50 OH squats 
75 Double unders 
50 KB swings 24 / 16 kg
75 Double unders
* 12 min cap


AMRAP in 25 mins:

Run 600m
50 Box step ups
40 Squats
30 Calorie row
20 DB floor press
10 Wall ball sit-ups

At 30 mins:
With a partner -
2 sets of:
20 MB sit up and throw
20 Plank climbers
* rest 30 seconds between

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