(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Friday: Sunburn..

7th March 2019

Friday Night Lights is on again as we head to hump week of the Open.  We need to tidy some things up as far as our registering for heats goes so know that there will only be 7 spots per time slot for both men and women.  Remember - THE TIMES SHOWN ONLINE WILL NOT NECESSARILY LINE UP WITH HOW OUR NIGHT RUNS SO MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT THE GYM READY TO GO OR YOUR SPOT WILL GO TO SOMEONE ELSE!


3 rounds for time of:

Run 400m
12 Power snatch 35 / 25 kg
21 Overhead squats 35 / 25 kg


3 rounds of:

30 seconds on - 15 seconds off

1. AB wheel
2. Bicycles
3. MB side to side
4. Hanging tuck hold

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