(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Monday: Going Forward..

3rd May 2020

CrossFit Townsville continues to be closed under the government restrictions but that hasn't stopped us from pushing ourselves to still provide the best service possible.

We have evolved our memberships during the lockdown period to reflect our current situation - 

Full Send $45 - Access to the library to borrow 3 pieces of equipment including a cardio machine (every 2 weeks), access to daily Zoom classes, access to the Sunday Yoga session and access to our private Facebook page CFTSV Lockdown.

Paced $30 - Access to the library to borrow 3 pieces of equipment (no cardio), access to daily Zoom classes, access to the Sunday Yoga session and access to our private Facebook page CFTSV Lockdown.

Scaled $15 - Access to daily Zoom classes, access to the Sunday Yoga session and access to our private Facebook page CFTSV Lockdown.


4 rounds each for time:

15 Push-ups
200m run
30 Squats
400m run

* Rest 60 seconds after each round and record time taken to complete each round.


EMOM 6 of:

6 V-ups
8 Hollow rocks
10 Sit-ups

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