(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Monday: Parkside Jive..

6th April 2019

This week we are back to our Monday Run Day and it will also be our first Run Day out of the new box so we just have a couple of things to bring to attention to ensure everything goes nice and smoothly..

Firstly, with regards to parking we ask if on a Monday you could refrain from parking on the road in front of the gym and instead you seek parking in either the front or back carparks.  We know our classes are busy so there are not always spaces in either car park so the road is the only option and if you are going to do that please try and make sure you do it in front of the vacant block next to our building.  Just a reminder if we could please leave the opposite side of the road vacant so the folks from the businesses across that way have space to park their cars : )

Secondly, just a big reminder to stay safe and tight to the curb whenever we have a running day.  We are lucky that Parkside Drive is a very wide and quiet street so there is less traffic than on our old track but it pays to stay switched on at all times.

Signing in has been great this week and we look forward to it continuing to be on point.  Remember our coaches want to spend time coaching you and helping you progress and having to race around trying to figure out who forgot to sign in takes time away from us doing that. 

Thank you again for a magnificent opening week and we look forward to hooking in even harder this week!!


On a running clock:

At 0:00 - 

Run 800m

At 6:00 mins - 

Run 2 x 400m
* rest 1 min between each

At 14:00 mins - 

Run 4 x 200m
* rest 1 min between each


On the Green and for quality - 

Every 2 mins for 5 sets:

30 Bicycles
20 Single leg v-ups
10 Hollow rocks

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