(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Thursday 26/5/22 - Sweat Sesh

25th May 2022


Every 6 mins x 5 rounds:
800m / 725m Bike erg
30 / 21 Row calories
1 min Tall plank


With a partner working 1:1

27 mins to complete -
3 sets each of:
12 (or 8) KB RDL's
30 (or 20) D-ball hold marching steps


3 sets each of:
10 (or 6) DB Step ups / leg
15 (or 10) Hand release push-ups


3 sets each of:
20 (or 15) DB Glute bridges
15 (or 10) Empty barbell Bicep curls

At 30 mins -
10 mins Echo bike
* Every minute get off and complete 12 DB Russian Twists

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