(07) 4723 4422
Crossfit WOD

Tuesday: Pass the Buck..

8th February 2021



Power clean 5 x 3 reps

* Lift every 3 mins and build to a heavy 3 rep touch and go Power clean


In teams of 3 - 

5 rounds each of:
12 DB Power cleans
12 DB Push press
24 Air squats
* Next person starts when person in front begins Air squats.
20 min cap


With a partner - 

At 0 -
EMOM 10:
20 seconds hard Echo bike effort
* First partner on 0, second on the 30 seconds. Work hard here!!

At 15 mins -
5 rounds each working 1:1 with your partner:
20 Flares
20 Jumping lunges
* Alternate full rounds. 

At 27 mins -
5 rounds each of:
10 / 7 Echo calories
* 10 Single leg v-ups after each set on the Echo

At 35 mins -
3 sets of:
30 second right side plank
30 second plank
30 second left side plank
30 second hollow hold
* Go straight into the next round with no rest!

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